“Our apartment isn't renewing our lease.

We have until the end of April.

We aren't working right now.

They're taking our home away during all of this.

I am mentally breaking down.

I don't want to be homeless.

I don't want to lose my kid.

They said it was a ‘business decision’."

-Renter in Manhattan, KS



Problem: The COVID-19 crisis has caused swift and severe economic hardship and housing instability across Kansas. Current measures to address housing stability have fallen short, including Governor Kelly’s eviction moratorium (info here) and the federal stimulus package (as of March 30, 2020), which offers grossly inadequate financial aid and legal protections for renters. Tenants are not able to pay for rent, but will be expected to once the eviction moratorium is lifted, despite limited or no income, no savings, and limited legal services. A tidal wave of evictions looms over our heads. If more protections are not put in place, tenants will bear the burden of this crisis.

Who we are: We are a coalition of tenants and allies across the state of Kansas including Renters Together MHK, Renters Together Wichita, Lawrence DSA, KC Tenants, YDSA Manhattan, and others. 

Mission: We organize to build collective power and fight for safe and truly affordable housing across Kansas during the COVID-19 crisis and beyond.


  • Rent and mortgage holiday

  • Rent freeze

  • Funding for emergency housing and homelessness services

*Click here for full description of demands: bit.ly/TenantsKS


  • Governor Kelly - The only way to get these protections is through executive order.

Petition: bit.ly/KSTenantPetition

Join us: mhk@renterstogether.org