Call Congress NOW

Emily Wagner - Director of Manhattan Emergency Shelter

We are just trying to stay above water. We are at capacity. We don’t have the supplies we need. We are going to see more people knocking on our doors and we won’t be able to help them. This is also the time of year when we fundraise. That just went out the window. We are dipping into our reserves. If we don’t get emergency funding, I don’t know how we’re going to keep the doors open.
Bridgett - Manhattan worker, renter

My husband is an HVAC technician. I am worried that once we get cases locally he won’t be able to go to people’s houses and may not be able to work. Can’t do that job from home.
Kendall - Counselor, renter

I am a therapist and work in private practice, therefore if I don’t work, we don’t get paid. I bring in more money than my husband, but it’s still barely enough to make ends meet in good times. My husband has been home sick the last week and we aren’t sure if he’ll be able to return to full time. With our children out of the school for the rest of this month, I will be very limited in my ability to work. I am very afraid we won’t have enough money to pay rent and will be forced out of our home.

DONATE to Renters Together MHK

The writing is on the wall. Manhattan is about to get blasted with economic hardship. Low income and marginalized peoples are going to get the worst of it. It’s not going away anytime soon. People need money in their pockets to get what they need and stay housed. Our emergency shelters and housing programs are already over capacity and desperately need support.

An economic stimulus package is currently being constructed at the federal level, with plans to be brought for a vote this Friday, March 20th.  NOTHING FOR US THAT ISN’T BY US

Call or email our representatives today.

Tell them your story and what’s happening in Manhattan, KS, and demand the following provisions be included.


"Hi my name is ___ from ____. (share what you are seeing and hearing in MHK with jobs and housing). I want ___ (elected official) to work directly with Senate and House leadership to make absolutely sure that there is funding in the stimulus package for the following to make sure myself and our community is securely housed during this time of crisis:

  1. Support all of the provisions in Chairwoman Maxine Waters memo on March 18th, 2020 for supporting renters, homeowners, and people experiencing homelessness.

  2. Include a major expansion of funding for our local housing authority for basic operating expenses and capital improvements and to expand the Section 8 housing program.

"Thank you for your time."

Roger Marshall: (202) 225-2715, email

Jerry Moran: (785) 539-8973, email

Pat Roberts: (202) 224-4774, email

This campaign and emergency response policy platform is organized in solidarity with the MHK Housing Solidarity Network and led by Renters Together MHK.

The MHK HOUSING SOLIDARITY NETWORK is an impromptu coalition of local renters, low income workers, housing advocates, and housing professionals who have come together to assess community needs and formulate just in time responses to COVID-19 and its impact on local housing conditions.

Brandon Irwin - Renters Together MHK

Angela Dorsey - Renters Together MHK

KayLa Cortes - Renters Together MHK

Hannah Sutherland - Renters Together MHK, KState Student

Asha Gray - Renters Together MHK, KState student

Von Neyhart - Renters Together MHK

Donna Schenk-Hamlin - Community Solutions to Affordable Housing, Kansas State University

Sushmita Rishi - Safe and Affordable Housing Action MHK

Emily Wagner - private citizen

JoAnn Sutton - private citizen

Jessica Kerr - Manhattan Alliance for Peace and Justice

Ron Orchard - Northview Rising

Josh Brewer - Bike Walk MHK

Brandon W Kleiwer - Bike Walk MHK

Katie Kingery Page - Community Solutions to Affordable Housing, Kansas State University

Shana Bender - USD-383 educator

Chad Moreau - Bike Walk MHK

Brenda Mayberry - USD-383 paraeducator

Emily Everhart - KState student

Debbie Nuss - Chair, Everybody Counts

Lynne Hartman - Paraeducator for USD 383

Cameron Charity - kstate student worker

Noah Rude - kstate student

Fred Reynolds - Northview Rising

Jerry Sextro - Flint Hills Human Rights Project

Jonalu Johnstone -- Manhattan Alliance for Peace and Justice & Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Manhattan


The National Low Income Housing Coalition

Public Health Law Center